Music, in and of itself, is often incapable of depiction except by association. This is why some composers need words or images to convey their feelings. In my case, my music is deeply indebted to painting and dance. My early attempts to convey the paintings of Hyeronimus Bosch date back to 1967. In The Hay Wain, I have attempted to render the symbolic aspects of this mystical representation of temptation and perdition.
- Sergio Cervetti

Parellel Realms, Sergio Cervetti
Mortal Dreams, Sergio Cervetti Triptych Revelation, Sergio Cervetti Sunset at Noon, Sergio Cervetti
Las Indias Olvidadas, Sergio Cervetti Transits, Sergio Cervetti Unbridled, Sergio Cervetti
Wind Devil, Sergio Cervetti Operas by Sergio Cervetti Nazca, Sergio Cervetti Keyboard3, Sergio Cervetti The Hay Wain, Sergio Cervetti